Gravity is the one of the four forces of nature, and it is the one we are the most familiar with, but it is also the strangest. Although gravity is extremely weak, it is at the root of huge scale phenomena such as keeping the planets in orbit.
In this class, we will begin by talking about Newton and his theory of gravity as well as a bit of Newtonian mechanics. As the class progresses we will cover the effects of gravity such as tides, and orbits then we will move onto Einstein’s theory of relativity and how Einstein revolutionized the way we think about gravity. We will discuss phenomena related to relativity such as black holes and curved space-time, and eventually, we will cover more exotic and newer ideas such as antigravity and other universes. There will be a little bit of mathematics in this class, although no previous knowledge of high school mathematics is required. All materials are included.
This class is being taught by Will Vasiladiotis.
Will has been educated within our own homeschooling community, has been teaching Astronomy classes at The ROC for several terms, and is well on his way to becoming a theoretical physicist. He has a love of science that is infectious, and his passion for sharing knowledge, especially that which is not very well understood in our society’s ever changing landscape of understanding, fills his classes with equally enthusiastic students each and every term.
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