World & American History
Some terms this class will focus on the formation of the United States of America to leading up to Civil War & the Civil War. During other terms the class will intensely focus on significant eras and events in American history such as Suffrage and the Civil Rights Movement. Other studies of American history include survey and exploration of history around the globe including comparative and contrasting analysis of the social economic, political and cultural events of human kind. Taught by Katie Lewis who is a history buff with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Barnard...
Read MoreASTRONOMY focusing on Gravity I and Gravity II
Gravity is the one of the four forces of nature, and it is the one we are the most familiar with, but it is also the strangest. Although gravity is extremely weak, it is at the root of huge scale phenomena such as keeping the planets in orbit. In this class, we will begin by talking about Newton and his theory of gravity as well as a bit of Newtonian mechanics. As the class progresses we will cover the effects of gravity such as tides, and orbits then we will move onto Einstein’s theory of relativity and how Einstein revolutionized the way we think about gravity. We will discuss phenomena...
Read MoreThe ROC’s Family Coop
The ROC’s Family Coop is currently looking for a new organizer, please contact if you are interested in starting a group!
Read MoreStage Combat
STAGE COMBAT fun, safe realistic ways of ‘fake fighting’ Stage combat is as old as theatre! Safe, realistic ways of ‘fake fighting’ have always been needed to enhance the drama on stage and screen. This beginner stage combat class will begin with simple unarmed combat then move on to swords learning basic footwork, martial arts techniques, six basic parries and a range of blade attacks, disengages, coupes and avoids. The complexity and duration of the “fights” themselves progress at the students own rate. Comfortable movement clothes (preferably non-button shirts...
Read MoreLanguage Arts: Greek & Latin Word Roots
Inspiring students to think about language more deeply. All ages enjoy original learning games exploring Greek and Latin roots of English words and exploring various strategic uses of them. Larger groups investigate curriculum based on Charlotte Mason & Classical education, true one-room-schoolhouse style, multi-level and ability. Encouraging and illuminating valuable lessons to all – from beginning, emerging as well as adept readers and writers. Self-paced Italic handwriting, practical English grammar, Latin & Greek roots, memory work using poetry, copywork & dictation,...
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