Through a wide variety of fun physical activities, students will practice balance between cooperatively or competitively engaging movement that combine and integrate fundamental and basic motor skills (run, climb, hop), manipulative skills (throw, catch, aim), and non-locomotor skills (balance, weight transfer) using mature motor patterns, games and organized play.
Students will recognize the benefits of play that create a positive and inclusive climate of collaboration, fairness, sportsmanship, respect and consideration for others, and they will develop sets of rules and codes of conduct that all agree upon, and also learn to modify and adapt games to accommodate the various interests, ages, or abilities of all participants and/or members of the community.
With opportunities to work constructively with others to accomplish goals, gain abilities to cope with success and failure, accept teammates regardless of ability, treat opponents with respect and courtesy and take turns assuming a variety of various roles, students develop valuable leadership and problem solving skills.
Overall this class will help students understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self expression, communication and a variety of skills and activities that can be enjoyed throughout childhood and adult life.
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